
FoodCentral aims for food and drink businesses located within the park to foster co
-location synergies and benefits. A wide scope of activities can be optimised to commercial and financial advantage. These activities include manufacturing, processing, logistics, innovation, research and development, sustainability, marketing, exhibition, and administration.
"Food Harvest 2020 foresees Irish companies increasingly recognising that sharing resources through strategic initiatives will be central to knowledge generation, pursuing consumer and market trends and making the best use of its human capital. Consolidation, collaboration and 'co-opetition' will be central to this."
Food Harvest 2020
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Co-location synergies and benefits include:
- Transport consolidation
- there are currently approx 700 pallets a day being distributed through FoodCentral to the retail and foodservice market
- the greater the activity in FoodCentral the greater the opportunity to increase truck fill, freshness and access to market whilst reducing food miles and carbon footprint - Supply chain
- an example where 3 packing operations were merged to 1 delivered greater focus and efficiency together with substansial cost savings - Central Food Park with central services
- examples include shared waste pump station, facilities management, CHP ( combined heat and power unit ), administration and technical support - Joint Purchasing
- examples include fuel bunkering and telecoms - Centres of Excellence
- R&D, sustainability, innovation - Intertrading
- Joint Ventures